Jalkapallokoulun loputtua pyrimme ohjaamaan halukkaat pelaajat mukaan ikäluokkansa joukkuetoimintaan.
Talven jalkapallokouluun voit ilmoittautua täältä
Lisätietoa: EBK harrastepäällikkö Sabasy Ndiaye, sabasy.ndiaye@ebk.fi, puh: 0405879996
EBK organizes a football school for all boys and girls born in 2017-2019. The football school will take place at EBK-Honka Arena on Saturdays from 11:00 to 12:00. The winter season begins on Saturday, October 5, 2024, and ends on October 26, 2024.
The cost of the football school is €40 per month, and you can register for participation on a monthly basis.After the football school ends, we aim to guide interested players to join team activities for their respective age groups.
You car register to the Winter 2024-2025 Football School here